Below are several ways to contact us.
Please note that if I (David) call you back, it will likely be around 11am.
Please send emails to the email address in the image. (this one goes to my junk folder with all the junk)
I currently have a copy of all emails forwarded to my mobile phone which is good for a backup and allows me to check emails anytime if needed however I usually sit in my office chair at my desktop computer and use a proper keyboard to reply.
Type your message, select submit and your message will come to my email inbox. As mentioned above, I will see the message on my mobile phone but will reply to your email address from my PC. For pending orders and upcoming visits, I will do my best to reply within 24 hours. Feel free to include your mobile number, especially if you wish to visit, so I have the option to start sms messaging or calling you,
David’s Mobile
David’s mobile number is at the bottom of all emails and order confirmation emails. All sms messages will come from David’s mobile. For a fast reply or a call back, please message David. If you ordered in the past, have a pending order or plan to visit our nursery, please state this in your message.
If Google reCAPTCHA is failing us and we do not have a functioning form and David’s number doesn’t appear above, please send a message to our office mobile. 0435 351 354
Please note that we usually do NOT answer this phone and NEVER check voice messages. We try to check for messages at least once a day.
During 2022, our forms stopped working and we had to remove them from our website. Below is a test form that we created for testing. Feel free to use it to see if Google reCAPTCHA is working or not on this website..
Forms created in 2017 and deactivated in 2022.
Desire To Purchase A Frangipani Enquiry Form
Simple Message Form
Make and Appointment Form
Phone – (07) 5442 8292 (disconnected 2021)
Suggestions And Feedback
Even before starting to sell our frangipanis, we had a goal for our customers to be able to browse, select and purchase our frangipanis online. Our ongoing goal is to make that process as smooth and as enjoyable as possible.
We are continuously adding information to our website so that customers can take their time and enjoy learning about frangipanis and enjoy going through the decision making process.
If you have any suggestions for our website or are unable to find an answer to your question, please send us a message using the above email address or contact form.