When do I pay for my frangipani tree order?
Please DO NOT PAY YET if any of the following apply to you. 1-Your order does not include a delivery fee to your delivery address. 2-Any of the frangipanis in your order did NOT have a status of AVAILABLE before submitting your order. 3-Your delivery address is outside of South East Queensland. 4-You would prefer us to locate and inspect the frangipanis in your order and send you an email before making payment. 5-You are planning a nursery pickup and would prefer to pay cash.
If none of the above apply to you and you would like to speed up the process, feel free to follow the instructions in the order confirmation email.
How do I pay for my frangipani tree order?
After placing an online order, order details and payment instructions are automatically sent to the customer’s email address.
Customers ordering frangipani trees on our website are requested to pay by bank transfer. Our preferred method is for customers to pay to our email address or mobile phone number using PayID. PayID was introduced in 2018 and most banks now offer this feature with online banking. If you enter our email address or phone number, our family name (Muller) and business name (E Frangipanis) will appear so there’s no way to send your payment to the wrong people.

If you pay using our account number, please triple check the numbers before paying.

What do I do after making payment?
Feel free to send us a remittance. However, we don’t require proof of payment, we just need a prompt to look for your payment in our bank account so a simple message to the mobile phone number on the invoice or a short email is sufficient.
How can I make sure someone else doesn’t order my frangipani tree?
1-If you order a frangipani tree after another customer, we will let you know and keep you updated.
2-If you order a frangipani tree before another customer, don’t worry. We will let you know and give you 48 hours to pay for your order.
3-If you make payment under these conditions and later cancel, we will refund delivery costs and 50% of the order value. Generally, we offer 100% refunds before a pick up date or a delivery date is stated but we are not so generous when a customer makes a payment to prevent another customer’s purchase.
Order confirmation emails are automatically sent to customers for online orders. These order confirmation emails contain all the order details however documents to be used for taxation purposes should be titled “Invoice“. Invoices should include all the required information such as the our business name, ABN, the cost for each item and the total amount.
If you do not receive an “invoice” and would like one or you notice an error that you would like us to fix, please contact us.
Please note that we are NOT GST registered and DO NOT add GST to our prices.
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